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Low Maintenance Flowers for Your Landscaping

Green plant in landscaping

Are you tired of dragging out the hose, fending off wildlife, or wondering if your soil will suffice your plants? Planting flowers that require little to no effort will allow you to enjoy the summer rays - instead of maintaining a back-breaking garden.

If pesky rabbits and hungry deer annually attack your plants, then you need plants that are naturally resistant to those pests. Some plants also help tackle erosion control. For effortless gardening, check out these 10 low maintenance flowers/plants.

1. Dwarf Daffodils

Yellow dwarf daffodils

Dwarf daffodils are some of the easiest flowers to maintain. They reappear every year and are squirrel-resistant. Daffodils are typically bright yellow, but can sometimes be white. You don't have to worry about them going away because their roots are actually poisonous to moles, and other underground creatures. Plus, dwarf daffodils have the dependency to multiply every year! Plant these flowers in sunny areas to bring fragrant, cheerful blooms to early spring.

2. Peonies

Pink peonies

If you don't want to break your arm watering flowers all summer long, plant Peonies! These purplish-pink flowers are sun-lovers and bloom in late. Peonies are drought-resistant, so they can go without water for quite a while. One drawback is Peonies flowers secrete a sweet nectar that attract ants, but that issue can be solved by dunking new buds in soapy water.

3. Coneflowers

Pink coneflowers

Echinacea or more commonly known as coneflowers are the ideal companion plants! These sun-loving plants come in a variety of colorful blooms of pink, yellow, crimson, orange, and white. Coneflowers are drought-resistant and contain nectar-rich blooms that attracts bees, butterflies, and birds.

4. Barberry

Barberry hedge

Barberries are a foundational plant that increases the security of your other plants with their thorny stems. Rabbits and deers have a difficult time getting through this barrier. Barberries are also super-hardy, drought-resistant scrubs that do fine in sun or partial shade areas. Barberries make excellent privacy hedges and growing anywhere between 3 to 16 feet tall! 

5. Ribbon Grass

Ribbon grass

If you're looking for an easy to take care of decorative grass, look no further. Ribbon grass grows about a foot high and has a dense mat of foliage with green and white striped leaves. Ribbon grass is virtually pest and disease-free that loves wet, but well drained soil. When planted next to ponds, streams or water garden it may help control soil erosion. It is also deer-resistant. One thing to keep in mind is that this plant tends to spread aggressively and can invade other plants if not cut back from time to time. 

6. Daylily

Orange and pink daylilies

Daylilies are for the "sloppy gardener" or the gardener that goes for the natural wildlife look in their landscaping. These flowers bud in shades of yellow, red, and orange, bringing a sunset of colors to your landscaping. Daylilies are versatile and can survive in times of drought and times of over-watering or flooding.

7. Heather

Heather shrub

If you want an early season of blooms, then Heather shrubs are for you. These low-growing perennial shrubs bloom early in the season and love acidic soil. So if your soil isn't up to par, you can still have a beautiful landscape. The beautiful blooms of the Heather plant attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

8. Hosta

Hosta shrub

Hostas are shade-loving plants that don't require much sunlight. They are easy to maintain, and are a perfect addition to your shrubbery. Though Hostas are picky about how much moisture is in the soil; it prefers to grow in moist soil. These hardy perennials come in many different sizes, heights, textures, and colors. Hostas produce beautiful pink, purple, and white flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees. Be aware that slugs, snails, deers, and rabbits love to eat hosta leaves, so plant hosta in a fenced in area or behind Barberries.

9. Euphorbia

Burgandy euphorbias

Euphorbia is another easy growing perennial that has few problems. Euphorbias are an excellent addition to gardens blooming in shades of purple, gold, or blue. You'll want to plant euphorbias in sunny areas with well drained soil. Wear gloves when pruning back this plant as their milky sap is poisonous and may cause skin irritation. Euphorbias are a simple addition to your landscaping, that repel deer and underground rodents, while bringing bright colors of spring to your home. 

10. Wildflowers (Anemone Blanda)

Blue and white wildflowers

Wildflowers, are daisy-like flowers that like to spread its petals under shrubs and bloom in early spring. They are perfect for garden borders and are great neutralizers, adding more color and plants year after year. When the blooming season is over, there is no messy foliage clean-up like tulips. 

If you're looking for a low-maintenance landscape this year, think about issues you've had in the past. Are deer, rabbits, or underground dwellers getting to your plants? If so, fill your garden with deer-resistant and poisonous rooted flowers. Don't want to spend your summer watering your flowers, look for plants that are drought resistant. Whatever you're looking for, these flowers will get you on the right track to a well-maintained landscape.


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